Hope House Partners with Kansas City Golden Gloves and Former Professional Female Boxer Christy Martin for Joint Fundraiser

Lee’s Summit, Mo. – Hope House, a domestic violence agency in Eastern Jackson County, Missouri, has partnered with local boxing nonprofit, KC Golden Gloves and Christy’s Champs to host a joint amateur boxing fundraiser.
The event, In Your Corner for Hope, was proposed by Christy Martin, former professional boxer and domestic violence survivor, after she joined Hope House as keynote speaker for the agency’s 2021 annual believe gala.
“I formed a relationship with Hope House a couple years ago and was really impressed with the organization and their connection to the community. I wanted to stay involved.” says Martin. “Our goal for this event is to raise awareness and provide sponsors and attendees with an entertaining evening of amateur boxing.”
“We are delighted to partner with Hope House and Christy to showcase local amateur boxing in a platform designed to raise awareness of the fight against domestic violence.” Says Golden Gloves Event and Tournament Director, Rick How. “We hope to inspire and entertain our attendees with an action-packed night at the Uptown Theater.”
Hope House, KC Golden Gloves, and Christy Martin’s nonprofit, Christy’s Champs, have a shared mission to educate and empower those who have been in a tough situation, such as domestic violence, abuse, bullying and sexual assault, and provide them with resources to become more confident, healthier, and provide them with the tools to overcome any obstacle or barrier placed before them – physically and emotionally.
Says MaryAnne Metheny, Hope House CEO, “We have truly enjoyed the joint planning with the Golden Gloves and Christy. This event is something new and different for us, and my hope is that supporters will understand the joint mission of the three agencies and reconsider any preconceived stereotypes between boxing and domestic violence.”
The event, presented by Jon and Vicki Kraft, will be held March 4th at the Uptown Theater in Downtown Kansas City, at 7:00 p.m. Sponsorships and tickets are available at www.hopehouse.net. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door the night of the event for $25.
Together we can build a brighter future.
Domestic violence can happen to anyone, no matter their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality. Hope House advocates for survivors, no matter where they are in their journey. Join us in creating a brighter tomorrow for survivors.